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How to Verify Your 1xBet Account


Account verification is an essential step in ensuring the security and integrity of online betting platforms like 1xBet. This process helps to prevent fraud, underage gambling, and money laundering, ultimately protecting both the platform and its users. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to verify your 1xBet account, ensuring a seamless experience on one of the best online betting platforms available.

Understanding 1xBet Account Verification Requirements

Age and Identity Verification

  1. Requirements for verifying your age: To create an account with 1xBet, you must be at least 18 years old. During the verification process, you will be required to provide proof of your age.
  2. Acceptable forms of identification for identity verification: 1xBet accepts several forms of identification, including passports, national ID cards, and driver’s licenses. Make sure your identification document is valid and clearly shows your full name, date of birth, and photograph.
  3. Steps to take if you don’t have the required identification: If you don’t have any of the accepted identification documents, contact 1xBet customer support for further assistance. They may be able to provide alternative options for identity verification.
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Address Verification

  1. What documents are accepted for address verification: You can use utility bills, bank statements, or government-issued documents that show your name and current address. Ensure the document is dated within the last three months.
  2. How to upload the required documents: Log in to your 1xBet account and navigate to your profile. From there, you can upload the necessary documents for address verification.
  3. Common mistakes to avoid when uploading documents: Make sure the documents you upload are clear, legible, and in an accepted format (PDF, JPEG, or PNG). Additionally, ensure that all four corners of the document are visible and the file size does not exceed the maximum limit.

Step-by-Step Guide to Verify Your 1xBet Account

Create an Account on 1xBet

To begin, visit the 1xBet website and create a new account by providing your personal details and selecting a unique username and password.

Log in to Your Account and Go to Your Profile

Once your account is created, log in using your username and password, then navigate to your profile by clicking on your username at the top of the page.

Start the Verification Process

In your profile, click on the “Verify Account” button to initiate the account verification process.

Verify Your Identity

  1. Uploading your identification documents: Upload a clear, legible copy of your identification document (passport, national ID card , or driver’s license) by clicking on the “Upload” button within the verification section.
  2. Tips for uploading your documents successfully: Ensure your identification document is valid, the image is clear and in focus, and the file format is either PDF, JPEG, or PNG. Also, make sure the file size does not exceed the maximum limit allowed by 1xBet.

Verify Your Address

  1. Uploading your address verification documents: Select and upload a valid document that displays your name and current address, such as a utility bill, bank statement, or government-issued document.
  2. Tips for uploading your documents successfully: Double-check that your document is dated within the last three months, the image is clear and legible, and the file format is either PDF, JPEG, or PNG. Ensure that all four corners of the document are visible and the file size does not exceed the maximum limit.
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Wait for Verification

  1. How long the verification process usually takes: The verification process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the volume of requests and the quality of your submitted documents.
  2. What to do if your verification is taking longer than expected: If your account verification is taking longer than expected, contact 1xBet customer support for assistance. They can provide information on the status of your verification and help resolve any issues that may be causing delays.

What to Do After Verification

  1. Benefits of a verified account: A verified account on 1xBet allows you to enjoy a seamless betting experience, with unrestricted access to all features, faster withdrawals, and enhanced security.
  2. Common issues that may arise after verification and how to address them: If you encounter any issues with your account after verification, such as limited access to features or withdrawal issues, contact 1xBet customer support for help. They can assist you in resolving any problems and ensuring a smooth betting experience.


In conclusion, verifying your 1xBet account is a crucial step in ensuring a secure and enjoyable betting experience. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can quickly and easily verify your account, allowing you to take full advantage of all the features and benefits offered by 1xBet, the best choice for online betting. If you encounter any issues during the verification process, don’t hesitate to reach out to 1xBet customer support for assistance.

What happens if my documents are rejected during verification?

If your documents are rejected during the verification process, you will receive a notification from 1xBet, along with an explanation of the rejection. You can then correct the issue and resubmit your documents for verification.

Can I change the email address associated with my verified account?

Yes, you can change the email address associated with your verified account. However, you may be required to go through additional verification steps to confirm your identity and prevent unauthorized access to your account.

Do I need to verify my account again if I change my personal information?

If you update your personal information, such as your address, you may be required to re-verify your account by submitting new documents reflecting the changes. This helps maintain the security and integrity of your account.

How do I know if my account is verified?

Once your account is verified, you will receive a confirmation email from 1xBet. Additionally, the "Verify Account" button in your profile will change to "Verified," indicating that your account has been successfully verified.

Is it safe to upload my personal documents to 1xBet?

Yes, it is safe to upload your personal documents to 1xBet. The platform uses advanced security measures, such as SSL encryption, to protect your data and ensure the privacy of your personal information.

What if I don’t want to verify my account?

If you choose not to verify your account, you may face limitations on your betting experience, including restrictions on withdrawals and access to certain features. Verifying your account is essential for enjoying a seamless and secure experience on 1xBet.